Assume Nothing

Assume Nothing, explores the intimacies, nuances and complexities of gender identity. From 1995 until 2004 Rebecca photographed and interviewed 27 people from around the world. She was moved by their willingness to be vulnerable and to share their stories and images so that others may understand who they are.

Scroll down to view full scale images.

In 2004 Assume Nothing was published into ten countries then in 2010 the American edition was released. It became the subject of a feature length documentary of the same name film maker Kirsty MacDonald.

In 2008 The Dowse curated the photographs and films into the exhibition, Assume Nothing: Celebrating Gender Diversity. Over the following two years it toured to five public galleries and museums in Aotearoa New Zealand then toured to Spain. The Human Rights Commission partnered with the exhibition to profile their newly released Transgender Inquiry Report, To Be Who I Am, Kia noho ki tōku anō ao and engage with local community at each location.

Limited edition prints available from Whitespace. Assume Nothing Book available here. View exhibition history.

Rebecca at the Assume Nothing, celebrating gender diversity exhibition at Te Manawa Museum.
Ema 2001
Merge 1997
Jen 1997
Arm 1996
Layne 1997
Layne 1997
Layne 1997
Sean and Lisa 1999
Jack 2007
Dred, Girl 2001
Dred, Boy/Girl 2001
Dred, Boy 2001
Dred, NYC 2001
Carmen 1999
Heather 1995
Androgynous 1995
Bound 1996
Collision 1997
Frankie 1998
Lynx 1995
Mark, Boy 1998
Mark, Boy/Girl 1998
Mark, Girl 1998
Stacey 2000
Shane 1998
Mani 1998
Mani I am not a monster 1998
Karl 1999
Rusty 1999
Melisa 1999

Assume Nothing feature length documentary by Kirsty MacDonald.

Body of Work, thesis on Assume Nothing by Ellie Lee-Duncan